Sunday, September 27, 2015

Bullet Point Update


  • I have not quit dieting and exercising, I just haven't written because my grad classes started up again and I'm fuckin' BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSYYYYYY.
  • I've lost 21 pounds total.
  • Kanye West is douche-prick.
  • I didn't track any food on Saturday cause I went to a wedding and I like to enjoy myself every once in a while instead of spending half the night trying to count fucking calories.
  • I didn't lose any weight this week. (See above bullet point).
  • Keeping up with the cooking AND exercise is becoming more and more difficult but I am hopelessly optimistic that I will continue to do this shit. 
  • If you type "incessant swamp ass" into the Weight Watchers activity calculator, nothing will come up. 
  • Pizza Marzano has a delicious salad that is over 900 MOTHERFUCKIN' calories. It's called the Primavera salad and it can suck my dick. 
  • I can't stop listening to "Take Me to Church" by Hozier. 
  • I've made crock pot chili at least 10 thousand times since starting my diet.
  • I'm extremely thankful for the pee hole that they put in spanks. Seriously, I can't imagine having to pull those up more than once in a night. 
  • An English guy called me a "smiley cookie" and I still don't know if that was a compliment. But since cookies are generally fucking awesome, I'm just gonna say it is. 
  • I do not look any different despite losing 21 pounds. Probably nobody believes me. 
  • Because I have anxiety, I sometimes worry that I'm eating too much of this or that. 
  • I ordered fancy exercise clothes that were very expensive. Disclaimer: They're just spandex clothes and I wasted a lot of money. 
  • I'm genuinely curious how some women have time to diet, exercise, shave, wear presentable clothing, AND put on makeup. Seriously, how the fuck can you do that? Do just replace your meal times with these activities?
  • I have an idea for my next post, but I need to record some video, so please be patient with me.
  • A big thank you to Sean for giving me some valuable feedback on my blog. Also, I'm sorry I didn't know you were color blind.  

You may now return to your regularly scheduled program. 

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