Sunday, August 30, 2015

What Would Have Happened if the 5K Weren't Cancelled

I'm still pissed The Color Run was cancelled. 

So, I decided to pretend like it wasn't and take pictures of all the shit that certainly would have happened if I had actually attempted to run it.

The morning would start out spectacularly well:


I totally got this. I'm ready.

Cute pose before the run! I'm gonna look exactly the same after this is all over!

Wish me luck!                                                        

Look at me! I'm running a 5K!

This is so easy! Why do people say running sucks?

Ladida! All fancy and free.

I'm killing it! 

 I might even have gotten a little cocky. 

Just stretchin' my glutes.

Of course, there would be distractions...


Eventually, reality would start to set in.  


"How long have I been running? I'm almost finished right?" "Ashley, you haven't even made it to the starting line yet."       


The pressure of finishing the race would start to take its toll. 



But one way or another, I would've found a way to get to the finish line...


I think I saw a sign saying to go this way.

I'll just hop on over and join the others.

No harm, no foul. Totally legit.

No one saw me, good.


There would be moments of desperation...

Oh THANK GOD! Water!

And times when it would seem all hope was lost.

For Christ's sake! I said go around!!!!

"Seriously, how far am I now?" "About half way."

DEAR GOD WHY?!!!?!??!

But eventually, I would muster up the strength so that I wouldn't be last.

You're not taking my second to last spot, bitch!


When all was said and done, I'd be happy sort of. 

Nope, not sweaty at all.

And that concludes my epic fantasy 5K.

I'd like to take a second to acknowledge that I have the perfect husband. All I said to him was, "Babe, I need you take some pictures of me outside." And he didn't ask any questions, he just went along with it. Also, thanks to that random woman who let me take a picture of her and was a great sport.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

This is What It's Like to Feel Defeated

Why, Health Gods, Have You Conspired Against Me?

It's been a pretty shitty week in the world of uninspiring diet and exercise. It feels like shit started snowballing on Sunday...

I didn't lose any god damn weight.

I weigh-in on Sundays and last week, to my dismay, I realized I hadn't lost anything. Zero. Nada. Kosong...I don't know how to say nothing in any other language. How can I express how frustrating this is when you've been working your ass off to do everything right? FOR FUCK'S SAKE! Yeah, yeah, I know that weight fluctuation and water retention are things. Things that happen. Things that are relatively unavoidable. still sucks. And I'm sure any of you reading this who have ever been on a diet know exactly what I'm talking about. In addition to not losing anything, I also have anxiety and have started to worry if anything that I'm eating might be causing me to gain back what I've lost. It's like you just look at the Corn Flakes and think 'Are you the one, motherfucker?'

Cooking was extremely unsuccessful last week. FAIL!

I like to cook most of my meals for the week on Saturday and Sunday because it's much more convenient to come home and just have to heat something up. But this last week, I made two god damn monstrosities in the kitchen. First, I made come chicken taco chili. I've made it before and it is usually absurdly delicious and easy to take to work for my lunches. However, I also made this the same night that I decided to go out and have a few drinks with some friends. I very foolishly trusted my husband to remember to turn the crock pot off at 8pm. He forgot. So when I came home at around 12:30, that fucking chili had shriveled up into hard beans and the driest damn chicken you've ever seen. It wasn't even a soup anymore, just balls of beans and chicken.

THEN....I made a casserole and fucking up this one was completely my fault. I think because I was so pissed off by the chili, I just sort of half-assed the casserole. It was truly atrocious. I ate them both because I paid for all that food and I also don't like wasting a ton of food either. So for the last week, my lunches and dinners have been awful.

My hopes and dreams were cancelled.

In a surprisingly inspiring twist of fate, I decided to sign up for a 5K run. It has been a goal of mine to run one for a while, and signing up gave me such a boost of motivation. Benji and I have been jogging almost every night since. Those of you who know me well understand that this is a big fucking deal for me. Especially since jogging usually goes like this for me:

So when I opened my inbox and saw a message from The Color Run Jakarta, I expected it to be a letter reminding me to pick up my race pack next week. Instead, it was a very short note stating curtly that the event had been cancelled. CANCELLED! WHAT. THE. FUCK.

It's almost like there is some  god of fitness out there that's just like, "Looks like Ashley might be doing pretty well with this diet and exercise thing. You know what, let's cancel that one thing she was actually looking forward to."

I'm still surrounded by dicks at work. 

This last week at my school we had sports day and all the teachers participated in aerobics. I thought this was fun until many of the teachers came up to comment on how shocked they were that I could move. Not move quickly, or be agile, literally just move.

"Oh, Ms. Ashley, you can do it!" (Ohhs and ahhs from the crowd.)

"Maybe if you do like this everyday Ms., you can look like Ms. Sekar." (Pointing at another skinny teacher.)

"It's good that you exercise, Ms. Ashley. It will make you healthy." 

Please, tell me more about having a healthy lifestyle while you shove fried shit down your throats and reap the benefits of skinny genes. (Yes, I meant to spell it like that.)

But there's good news. 

So far, this weekend has been very successful cooking wise. Hopefully tomorrow, I don't step on the scale and discover that I've still made no progress. That would just be the cherry on top of another fucked up Sunday. (Yes, I meant to spell it like that.)

Monday, August 24, 2015

How to Have a Fat Friend

I'm not gonna tell you what to do.

You're an adult and you can do or say whatever you want. So please don't take this as some type of supreme guide or wagging of the finger towards you, because that really isn't the intent. The intent is really just to reveal how fat women are sometimes made to feel around their non-fat friends. This in no way means that non-fat people are devoid of problems or their own insecurities. Of course they aren't! But there is a very particular dynamic of being a fat woman with non-fat friends and I'd like to give you just a bit of insight into how it feels. So, please don't tell me all your problems. Don't tell me I'm being one-sided: I know that I am, because I am approaching this issue from one particular side that I fully understand and want others to understand better. Also, because there are a million descriptors for body types, I'm going to refer to people who aren't fat as non-fat friends. No, I don't think you are skim milk, but it's just an easy way to identify without having to write three million adjectives. So, how can you have a fat friend?


Laugh with us.

This has been difficult for many of my friends, especially my female friends. I will very often (as in, almost every other sentence) use self-deprecating humor about my weight. First, because it's awesome to make people laugh. Second, because I really do have a sense of humor about my body, the impossible standards to which all women are held, and my destructive relationship with food. I think it sometimes becomes tricky for my non-fat friends because it's hard for them to know if laughing will make me angry. No, it won't. I want you to laugh with me, that's why I made the joke. I want you to know and understand that I am not some frail little ball of insecurity, ready to unravel at the slightest judgement. Fat people are sturdy, and not just because of their weight. We have been judged and probably ridiculed our entire lives, and because of that we are not easy to break. Also, we just want you to have fun with us. So please, if I make a joke about my enormous ass, or feeling like I'm gonna break the stool at the bar, just laugh with me. This doesn't mean you have to confirm how fat we are, just laughing is sufficient.


Don't call yourself fat if you're far smaller than us. 

This probably seems unfair because of course, all women are entitled to feel insecure about their bodies sometimes. It's natural for EVERYONE to feel shitty about the way that they look at least at some point in their lives. But if you are quite thin, or at least much thinner than your fat friend, please do not call yourself fat in front of them. This is usually a way of reaching out for reassurance. I've many times in my life, had thin women call themselves fat cows or pigs in front of me simply so I could give the anticipated response of "Oh my god, no you're not! You're so thin! I wish I could be as skinny as you..." etc. This packs a very particular punch when the person you are saying it to is much larger than you because if you're a fat pig, what does that make me? A dinosaur?

You may be thinking to yourself, 'Why is it ok for fat people to make fun of themselves in front of us, but not ok for us to do it in front of them?' I'm glad you asked!! There's actually a huge difference between these things. First of all, when I talked about laughing with us it is because the type of self-deprecation I was referring to is based in HUMOR, not in an attempt to fish for complements. Also, the reason it's funny when fat people do it is because, like all great humor, it is based on the truth. We may use hyperbole to jest about our fatness, but it's funny because it's reality. When a thin person does it, the humor does not translate because they obviously have no idea what being fat is like. Lastly, there is a biting insensitivity that comes along with this. Imagine a man walking up to someone in a wheelchair and complaining about how tired he is from taking the stairs.


Please stop comparing us to Melissa McCarthy. 

I can say without the slightest hint of exaggeration that Melissa McCarthy is a supremely amazing woman. She has a beautiful family, a wonderfully successful career, and is legitimately one of the funniest human beings on the planet. So, when I say stop comparing me to her, it is not from lack of respect. That woman is wonderful. But really, I'm being compared to her for only one reason: we're both fat. I understand, it's kind of the first thing people notice but it feels pretty insincere when someone tells me I look just like her. No, I really, really don't. You're just seeing two fat people. The same goes for Adele. My whole office currently calls me Adele any time I wear makeup even though we don't at all look similar. Look! It's a fat girl with a pretty face! (Proceed to go through Rolodex of famous fat girls with pretty faces and....)Adele! Yes, that's who you look like.


Try to stand up for us. 

I get it. It's fucking awkward when someone says something shitty. I completely understand not wanting to be confrontational. But fat people are constantly being trash talked, and this often happens in front of their non-fat friends. Even saying something as simple as "Dude, don't be a dick," would be greatly appreciated. Also, if someone says something shitty about your fat friend's weight when they're not around, correct that shit ASAP. Going along with it or just staying quiet is a signal to that person that it's okay to be a shithead to your friend. I was once at a bar, talking with a male friend when another guy just walked over, gave me a horribly dirty look and then turned to my friend and said, "I'm wondering why you're over here talking to some fat chick."(Here, fat was not used merely as a descriptor, but as an insult). I can usually think of some type of comeback when this happens (and yes, it happens often) but I was so taken aback by this man's attack, that I just kind of stood there, waiting for my friend to respond. But he didn't, he just smiled and let the asshole keep talking until I walked away. Now, I'm still friends with this man and he's actually a really awesome guy. I could see that night that he felt extremely awkward. But, come on! You can't just be like, "What the fuck's your problem?" Would you let someone sling any other insults at your friend? Would you just sit there while someone called your friend ugly, worthless, or stupid? Probably not. You don't have to be a hero or anything, but just letting people know that they shouldn't be dicks goes a long way in helping to weed them out, especially since that dickhead wouldn't care if the fat person themselves responded, but might care if you do.


You can be upfront and still be kind.

There are sometimes situations in which a very overweight person might have trouble because of their weight. If you're concerned about one of these particular situations, it's best to just be completely upfront with your fat friend. For example, if you plan on going sky diving with your group of friends, and you don't know if your fat friend will be able to do it, just talk to them about it. Invite them along. Trust me, there will immediately be sirens going off in their head with a neon sign flashing WEIGHT LIMIT! WEIGHT LIMIT! Your fat friend will figure out if she can do this and then get back to you. However, it's not the best policy to try and avoid your fat friend all together during this topic of conversation. She'll find out about it one way or another and then realize that you were leaving her out. This makes us feel worse because you either A) know she won't be able to do it and pity her, B) are embarrassed for her or C) are assuming she couldn't handle not being able to do it. So just invite them along and see what they say. It can also be very simple tasks, but no matter what, if you assume someone is going to get angry, it kind of does make them angry. For example, the first year at my job, the female teachers were doing a dance performance for Chinese New Year. We all had to wear a costume and the other teachers needed my measurements. I could very obviously see that they were whispering to each other in the office about how to ask me for them, until I just said, "Hey, I already know them and can write them down for you." But the whole treating me like I'm some type of ticking time bomb or frail little flower is extremely condescending and frustrating. Be upfront. Be kind. Those things aren't mutually exclusive.  


Acknowledge that your fat friend is treated differently.

This is always the one filled with the most contention. I have met people before who, although they are lovely to me, just cannot concede that fat people are treated differently than thin people. I've seen people scrunch up their faces at this, or roll their eyes as if this is just some imaginary insecurity I have. Trust me, it isn't. Fat people are treated differently by most everyone, sometimes intentionally, but (I believe) mostly subconsciously.

As an example, I worked as a waitress for a while and after taking some man's order, (a bowl of chili) I asked the extremely standard question, "Will that be all for you?" The man looked at me like I was the most disgusting thing he'd ever seen. I mean, really, his disgust was palpable. He said, quite angrily, "It's a huge bowl!" I finished taking orders from the rest of his family and while walking away, heard him say "Jesus, how much does she expect people to eat?!"

Just as there is privilege that comes with being white or being male, there is privilege that comes with being thin. People do not assume you are lazy, or unhealthy, or that you eat only junk food all the time if you are thin (although you could very well be all of these things). They DO assume this all when you are fat. When you eat a slice of pizza, people do not think that you should limit yourself. In fact, if you are a thin woman and you joke about binge watching Netflix and eating copious amounts of chocolate, you are considered cute. If a fat person says this, they are met with looks of concern or sometimes disgust. It's a sad but true reality: fat people are treated poorly. I'm not arguing about whose fault this is (I think there's many to blame), but if you are thin and you have a fat friend, try to be understanding of this. You don't have to single-handedly change the way society functions, but awareness does help.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


We're gonna talk about what pisses me off the most about diet and exercise: contradiction. Seriously, is there even one definitive health issue out there that hasn't at some point been derailed  (sometimes more than once) by "health experts" who say you can't eat this or do that because it will give you some horrible, incurable disease or because it's actually poisonous? Please, let me know if you find one because I'm am honestly so fed up with it all. Granted, many of these contradictions are the result of fad diets that are inevitably broken down by the next naysayer, usually within just a few months time. But it still makes it even more difficult to stay "healthy." Here are just some of these contradictions:


I'll give you a moment to recover from the vertigo. 

This shit is insane and I am inundated with it EVERY. DAMN. DAY. Now, some of these articles mentioned moderation, and others didn't. But the bigger problem is that there doesn't seem to be a consensus one way or the other. EVERYTHING is up for debate in the healthosphere, and it makes it even more fucking difficult for people to know how to eat and exercise. Seriously, how the hell am I supposed to figure out how to live healthily if not even the "health experts" can agree on the best way? Seriously...

You know what? Just have the slice of cake. Drink the espresso, and eat the hot dog. Go for a jog and then have some cheese on your salad.  Try your best to be healthy, because clearly, nobody can actually agree on what that means anyway.