Thursday, August 20, 2015


We're gonna talk about what pisses me off the most about diet and exercise: contradiction. Seriously, is there even one definitive health issue out there that hasn't at some point been derailed  (sometimes more than once) by "health experts" who say you can't eat this or do that because it will give you some horrible, incurable disease or because it's actually poisonous? Please, let me know if you find one because I'm am honestly so fed up with it all. Granted, many of these contradictions are the result of fad diets that are inevitably broken down by the next naysayer, usually within just a few months time. But it still makes it even more difficult to stay "healthy." Here are just some of these contradictions:


I'll give you a moment to recover from the vertigo. 

This shit is insane and I am inundated with it EVERY. DAMN. DAY. Now, some of these articles mentioned moderation, and others didn't. But the bigger problem is that there doesn't seem to be a consensus one way or the other. EVERYTHING is up for debate in the healthosphere, and it makes it even more fucking difficult for people to know how to eat and exercise. Seriously, how the hell am I supposed to figure out how to live healthily if not even the "health experts" can agree on the best way? Seriously...

You know what? Just have the slice of cake. Drink the espresso, and eat the hot dog. Go for a jog and then have some cheese on your salad.  Try your best to be healthy, because clearly, nobody can actually agree on what that means anyway. 

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